Thursday, 5 February 2015

CPS Medical Lab

What are the different Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?

Vaginal bleeding or spotting, especially in post-menopausal women is the most commonsymptom of cervical cancer. Sometimes there may be no symptoms until the disease has reached an advanced stage.
Some of the common signs and symptoms of cervical cancer may include:

* Abnormal or untimely vaginal bleeding (after sex, after menopause)
* Abnormal vaginal discharge (white or blood tinged)
* Pain while having sex
* In advanced cases, the cancer may spread to the abdomen, lungs or elsewhere and symptoms related to the organ may be the first symptom of the cancer

Upon reaching an advanced stage, the different signs for cervical cancer may include:

* Constant pain in the leg, pelvic region or back
* Problems while urinating because of blockage of kidney or ureter
* Weight loss
* Loss of appetite
* Anemia caused by excessive or abnormal vaginal bleeding
* Seepage of urine or stools through the vagina
* Fatigue

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